Wednesday, October 7, 2009

super duper

It never fails. I always become most inspired the night before an english paper is due. Inspired to do anything other than write the paper that is. I always begin with good intentions...intentions of sitting down with a good supply of caffeine and nothing but the materials I need to write the paper before me in an attempt to knock it out in a couple of hours. But as soon as I start brainstorming about the concepts, themes, and characters that I'm going to write about, my brain screams, "Do something creative! Write something! Paint something! Take a picture of something!" I have a four page paper comparing the themes of Hawthorne's The Birthmark and Marlowe's The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus that's due tomorrow and I've written about a page. And I'm pretty excited about it. No jest, I like writing papers like that. But seriously, it does something to my brain, it's like there's this mental block that won't leave until my brain throws up something somewhat creative. Tonight I did some photoshopping magic to cure the ailment. I told you I've been inspired by this lady lately. She's pretty much my hero. And she home teaches her kids. :) Anywho, she taught me this:

And I named this post "super duper" because that's what I think of what I learned. You can see what the photo originally looked like on the previous post. The only sad part is that the way-cool spectating man in the background is blurred out now. But I still think it's pretty super duper. Thanks lady. Now I can write my paper. :)

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